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International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research

International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research

  • ISSN :- 0972-7302
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual


Mapping of Industry Food Processing Superior Based on Geographic Information System

Author :- Teddy Oswari, Fenni Agustina, Emy Haryatmi and E. Susy Suhendra

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8803-8812

Religiosity, Cultural Belief and Economic Behavior in Contemporary Muslim Minangkabau West Sumatera

Author :- Asyari

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8813-8825

Majors Factors for Effective Warehouse Management: Eastern Part of Thailand Perspective

Author :- Adisak Suvittawat

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8827-8833

The Influenceof Government Spending to the Provinces’ Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in Indonesia

Author :- Nur Feriyanto

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8835-8851

Development and Empowerment of Semarang Batik Craftsmen Based on Assistance Strategy of Fractal Batik in the Effort to Build Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Author :- Endang Tjahjaningsih, Hasan Abdul Rozak Dewi Handayani and Agus Prasetyo Utomo

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8853-8866

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economy versus Mature Economies: Challenges and Opportunities

Author :- Sami Al Kharusi

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8867-8875

The Effect of Institutional Change, Equalization Fund and Locally-generated Revenue Towards the Economic Growth in Indonesia Period 2000-2015

Author :- Herry Maridjo dan Yohanes Maria Vianey Mudayen

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8877-8897

Examining the Behaviour of Monetary Policy in Four Asian Countries: A Threshold Modelling Approach

Author :- Siok Kun Sek and Wai Mun Har

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8899-8913

The Needs Analysis of Vocational High School (VHS) in Banjarmasin Based on Local Resources Potential

Author :- Dwi Atmono and Muhammad Rahmattullah

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8915-8930

Diversification Strategy and Risk Reduction

Author :- Sulastri, Mohamad Adam, Isnurhadi and Fida Muthia

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8931-8952

Testing the Relationship of Company Performance with External Stakeholder Satisfaction (A Study at Industrial Metal Processing Company in Indonesia)

Author :- Muhammad Yunus Amar and Nurdjannah Hamid

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8953-8963

Inter-organizational Collaboration to Develop Batik Banyumas SMEs Competitiveness

Author :- Nurul Anwar, Rahab

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8965-8973

A Qualitative Study of Benefits and Role Models as the Drivers of Moderate Consumption

Author :- Orose Leelakulthanit

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8975-8989

The Effects of Destination Image, Destination Personality and Self- Congruity on Tourists’ Intention

Author :- Panath Phucharoen, Umawase Sriboonlue & Nattapol Assarut

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 8991-9007

The Effect of Subsidy Policy on Food Security of Rice in Indonesia

Author :- Azwardi, Abdul Bashir, Mohamad Adam & Taufiq Marwa

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9009-9022

A Study on the Relationship Between Organizational Ethics, Job Satisfction, Organizational Commitment and Job Performance among the Staff of Banks in Indonesia

Author :- Kusni Ingsih and Juli Ratnawati

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9023-9040

CSR Implementation Strategy Constraints in Emerging Market Supply Chain Context – Bangladesh Garment Industry Experiences

Author :- Agneta Sundström, Kaisu Sammalisto, Akmal S. Hyder and Ehsanul Huda Chowdhury

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9041-9062

Financial Analysis of Tangible Fixed Assets in Conditions of Current Slovak Business Accounting

Author :- Viera Bartošová

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9063-9076

Situation of Breast MRI in India: Classification of Breast MR Images using Fuzzy logic and Random walk Segmentation

Author :- Shruthi Anand, Viji Vinod, Anand Rampure Vittal Rao

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9077-9084

Deconstruction of Higher Education’s Quality Reality: A Critical Discourse Analysis on Accreditation Borang Text in Accounting Study Program

Author :- Carmel Meiden, Made Sudarma, Ali Djamhuri Aji Dedi Mulawarman

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9085-9095

Employee Involvement, Empowerment and Satisfaction in Service Sector of India: An Empirical Study

Author :- Uma Sankar Mishra, Aurolipy and Madhusmita Dash

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9097-9111

The Influence of Spiritual Leadership on Intention to leave of the Employees. A Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction and Spiritual Well-being

Author :- Juhaizi Mohd Yusof, Siti Nur Atikah Zulkiffli and Mohd Shaladdin Muda

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9113-9124

Factors Influencing the Profitability of Listed Indonesian Commercial Banks

Author :- Nursiana, Adinoto

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9125-9130

The Effect of Term Relationship Between the Auditor and Clients on Auditor Independence Nurdiono

Author :- Nurdiono, Junaidi and Bambang Hartadi

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9131-9146

Decision to Go Public: Empirical Analysis on Financial Industries in Taiwan

Author :- Lin-Yhi CHOU and Shin-Herng Michelle CHU

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9147-9173

Good Faith in International Commercial Contracts under UN Sale Convention and Islamic Law: A Brief Comparison

Author :- Anowar Zahid, Rohimi Shapiee, Sohaib Mukhtar and Syed Munawar Shah

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9175-9183

Inter-organizational Collaboration to Develop Batik Banyumas SMEs Competitiveness

Author :- Nurul Anwar and Rahab

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9185-9193

Tax Avoidance in the Perspective of Agency Theory A Review of Literatures

Author :- Eny Suprapti, Made Sudarma, Rosidi and Zaki Baridwan

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9195-9208

Informal Credit and Rural Indebtedness in India

Author :- Parvathy S.

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9209-9226

Personality Factors and Cyberloafing of College Students in Indonesia

Author :- Ratna Widiastuti and Meily Margaretha

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9227-9238

The Consequences of Control Over Budgetary Slack and Managerial Orientation in Promoting Budgeting Harmonization

Author :- Ratna Ayu Damayanti

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9239-9253

Integrated Acquisition Improves Target Firms Performance

Author :- Suwinto Johan

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9255-9272

Dramaturgy of Gender Responsive Budgeting: Concept or Reality

Author :- Syarifuddin

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9273-9282

Teacher Stress and Workplace Deviance: Does Emotional Intelligence Matter

Author :- Yu Ghee Wee and Aisyah Bahiah Binti Aidul Bahrein

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9283-9305

Innovative Policy Optimization: A Catalyst for Multidisciplinary Business and Economic Development in OMAN

Author :- Mohamed Haneefuddin

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9307-9325

Empirical Test of The Effect of Companies with ISO 14001 towards Financial Performance with Environmental Performance As an intervening variable (Study of Companies Listed in IDX Period 2012-2014)

Author :- Lidya Agustina and Meyliana

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9327-9341

Analysis Strategy Management and Development of Ocean Fishing Ports Nizam Zachman North Jakarta

Author :- Hadi Supratikta, Umi Rusilowati

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9343-9358

Life-Style Marketing: An Alternative Theoretical Model of Service Marketing Dimension (An Empirical Study on Beauty Salon Customers in Jakarta)

Author :- Bernard T. Widjaja

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9359-9376

Implementation of Social Accounting Matrix in Calculating Tourism Leakage of Accommodation in Bali

Author :- I Gusti Ayu Oka Suryawardani, I Komang Gde Bendesa Made Antara, Didik Nursetyohadi and Agung Suryawan Wiranatha

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9377-9405

Impact of Socio-economic Variables on Property Construction Cost: Evidence from Italy

Author :- Rubina Canesi, Valentina Antoniucci and Giuliano Marella

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9407-9420

ICT Adoption by Southern Thai Rubber Plantation Smallholders

Author :- Chalita Srinuan

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9421-9440

Measuring Positive Youth Development: Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Author :- Mahadzirah Mohamad, Morliyati Mohammad, Nor Azman Mat Ali and Zainudin Awang

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9441-9451

The impact of Social Climate on Life Satisfaction of Drug-abuse Inmates in Malaysia Prison

Author :- Nor Azman Mat Ali, Mahadzirah Mohamad, Norhilmi Muhammad, Harmy Mohamed Yusoff & Nizaita Omar

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9453-9464

Optimization of Banking Accessibility on Financial Performance of Traditional Market Traders in Brastagi City, Indonesia

Author :- Nisrul Irawati and Friska Sipayung

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9465-9478

Role of Revolving Loan Program Community National Urban Self (PNPM MP) Against Poverty Prevention in Padang

Author :- Agussalim M, Mia Kristin and Hapzi Ali

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9479-9492

Typology of Regional Economic Development Pattern

Author :- Ady Soejoto, Dhiah Fitrayati, Lucky Rachmawati and Ni’matush Sholikhah

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9493-9505

Wanna Shopping Online or Offline

Author :- R. Sudhakar, M. Rajesh and Suraj Kushe Shekhar

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9507-9529

Clustering Local Government for Optimizing Local Government Financial Condition Analysis: A Case Study in Indonesia

Author :- Irwan Taufiq Ritonga

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9531-9547

Is SAARC Region Successful in Promoting Intra-Regional Trade Evidence from Border Effect Approach

Author :- Wei-Chig Chang, Chung-Hsuan Wei and Kuo-I Chang

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9549-9578

Impact of Zakat Payment Offset System on Income Tax Collection in Malaysia

Author :- Muhammad N. Samad, M. Ariff and A.M. Nassir

Volume :- No.14 (2016)

Issue No :- 13 (2016)

Pages :- 9579-9607