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International Review of Atomic and Molecular Physics

International Review of Atomic and Molecular Physics

  • ISSN :- 2229-3159
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual


Alternative Principle for Measuring Giga Gauss Magnetic Fields during Relativistic Laser-plasma Interactions by Analyzing X-Ray Spectral Lineshapes

Author :- E. Dalimier, E. Oks, and P. Angelo

Volume :- No.11 (2020)

Issue No :- 1 (2020)

Pages :- 1-6

Cyanide Laser-Plasma Spectroscopy in a Flowing Gaseous Mixture

Author :- Christopher M. Helstern, Christian G. Parigger

Volume :- No.11 (2020)

Issue No :- 1 (2020)

Pages :- 7-26

Modeling the Dynamics of the Universe Expansion without Dark Energy and without New Gravitational Degrees of Freedom

Author :- E. Oks

Volume :- No.11 (2020)

Issue No :- 1 (2020)

Pages :- 27-30

Effects of Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields on Spectra of Rydberg Atoms

Author :- Andrei Letunov and Valery Lisitsa

Volume :- No.11 (2020)

Issue No :- 1 (2020)

Pages :- 31-39

Quadruple Photoionization of Be

Author :- M. S. Pindzola, J. P. Colgan and S. A. Abdel-naby

Volume :- No.11 (2020)

Issue No :- 1 (2020)

Pages :- 40-46

Classical Analytical Description of Helium Atoms or Helium-like Ions in Highly-Excited States under a High-Frequency Laser Field

Author :- N. Kryukov and E. Oks

Volume :- No.11 (2020)

Issue No :- 1 (2020)

Pages :- 47-54