Drug-Related Crimes in the Asia Pacific Region: Special Features of the Methods and Strategies of Struggle
Author :- Alexander Korobeev, Nikolai Morozov, Maria Ageeva (Babko), Sergey Ryazantsev, Nikolay Gusakov
Volume :- No.97 (2017)
Issue No :- No.23 (2017)
Pages :- 23-29
Paradigmatic Guidelines for Interpreting the Institutional and Functional Characteristics of Public Power: Rational-Technological, Biopolitical and Sociocultural Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches
Author :- Valentin Lyubashits, Alexey Mamychev, Andrey Mordovtsev, Alla Timofeeva and Sergey Shalyapin
Ethno-Sociocultural Deviations in the Educational Environment of the Modedern Eurasian Higher Education Institution as a Reflection of Transcultural Globalization Factors