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Global Review of Business and Economic Research

Global Review of Business and Economic Research

  • ISSN :- 0973-127X
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual


How Sensitive Are VAR Results to Changing the Components of Money?

Author :- Adel A. Al-Sharkas

Volume :- No.11 (2015)

Issue No :- 2 (2015)

Pages :- 107-126

Using Panel Data Models to Test for A Unit Root in Inflation Rates

Author :- Hala El-Ramly

Volume :- No.11 (2015)

Issue No :- 2 (2015)

Pages :- 127-137

How Persistent Has Been The Canadian Equity Funds’ Performance? Some Empirical Evidence

Author :- M.I. Ansari & A. Dorestani

Volume :- No.11 (2015)

Issue No :- 2 (2015)

Pages :- 139-146

A Cross Section Estimate of Translog Production Function: Jordanian Manufacturing Industry

Author :- Ali M. Khalil

Volume :- No.11 (2015)

Issue No :- 2 (2015)

Pages :- 147-156

Information Technology, Foreign Investment and Economic Growth in Eleven Developing Countries

Author :- Halima Qureshi & Mamit Deme

Volume :- No.11 (2015)

Issue No :- 2 (2015)

Pages :- 157-174

A Note on Asset Price Gambles: Simple Models with Complex Dynamics

Author :- Partha Gangopadhyay

Volume :- No.11 (2015)

Issue No :- 2 (2015)

Pages :- 175-179