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International Journal of Economic Research

International Journal of Economic Research

  • ISSN :- 0972-9380
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual


Taxonomy of Economic Perspective on Cognitive Domain for Older Workers Government Policy

Author :- Government Policy

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 1-14

How Small Business Owners/Managers in Malang use and Learn about Accounting Information

Author :- Sunaryanto, Suparti, Bety Nur Achadiyah, Fatmawati Zahroh Tuhardjo and Cipto Wardoyo

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 15-25

Guiding Principles in Developing Shari’ah Governance Framework for Islamic Capital Market

Author :- Rusni Hassan and Syed Ahmed Salman

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 27-38

Corporate Social Responsibily : The Alternative Financing to Regional Development in East Java Province, Indonesia

Author :- Budi Eko Soetjipto, Puji Handayati, Cipto Wardoyo, Tuhardjo Sunaryanto and Suharto

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 39-51

Income Inequality and Access of Housing

Author :- Thomas Soseco, Agus Sumanto, Yohanes Hadi Soesilo, Mardono Ach. Ali Wafa, Ni’matul Istiqomah, Nur Anita Yunikawati and Emma Yunika Puspasari

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- .53-62

Determinants of Full-service Carriers Choices in Aviation Industry of Thailand

Author :- Anaspree Chaiwan and Supanika Leucharusmee

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 63-70

Factors Affecting Students in Choosing Community Economy in Development Economics Program, Universitas Negeri Malang

Author :- Dwi Wulandari, Bagus Shandy Narmaditya, Wahjoedi, Sugeng Hadi Utomo, Mit Witjaksono, Prih Hardinto and Magistyo P. Priambodo

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 71-79

The Effect of Working Capital, Credit Distribution, and Inflation Rate to the Profit of PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Branch Tlogomas Malang East Java

Author :- Vera Victoria, Nasikh, Hari Wahyono, Yohanes Hadi Soesilo Sri Handayani and Rizza Megasari

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 81-92

Comparison of Bank Wellness Level with RGEC Method Between State-Owned Bank and Private-Owned Bank

Author :- Dian Prawitasari, Ana Kadarningsih and Rizky Sandyningtyas Putri Karno

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 93-103

Compensation as the Most Important Factor in Improving Employee’s Performance

Author :- Kusni Ingsih, Sih Darmi Astuti and Deva Ivon Prakasiwi Asri

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 105-120

The Role of Human Capital in Enterprises Based on Empirical Research

Author :- Agnieszka Rzepka, Katarzyna Szara, Bozena Sowa and Hab Boguslaw Slusarczyk

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 121-128

A Strategy of Poverty Reduction Based on Social Capital (A Case Study of Red Zona Society in Purworejo, Indonesia)

Author :- Anita Rinawati, Rusdarti and Etty Soesilowati

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 129-136

Interaction and Social Change Post-conflict : Riots Case Between Dayak and Madura Tribe Case Study in Sampit, Central Kalimantan

Author :- Didi Susanto, Tri Marhaini PA, Masrukhi, Moh. Yasir A

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 137-146

The Survival Strategy : Urban Poor Community to Live in The Brintik Hill Graveyard, Semarang, Indonesia

Author :- Y. Y. F. R. Sunarjan, Hamdan T. Atmadja and Romadi

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 147-157

A Strategy of Poverty Alleviation in Special Region of Yogyakarta

Author :- Sukidin, Sutrisna Jaya, Pudjo Suharso, Retna N. Sedyati

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 159-170

A New Measure of International Risk Sharing

Author :- Danai Tanamee and Huy Nguyen

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 171-189

Analysis of Webqual Usefulness, Information Quality and Interaction Service in Cultural Sites Online

Author :- Ni Nyoman Sawitri, Teddy Oswari and Erni Hastuti

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 191-199

The Perception of Green Marketing (A Case in Jatinangor, West Java Province, Indonesia)

Author :- Yosini Deliana, Endah Djuwendah, Engkus Kusnadi and Tuhpawana P Sendjaja

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 201-216

Quantifying the Linkages among Agricultural, Manufacturing and Service Sectors Associated with GDP Growth in Thailand

Author :- Varith Pipitpojanakarn, Paravee Maneejuk and Songsak Sriboonchitta

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 217-230

How Does Economic Growth affect the Well-being in Asia?

Author :- Varith Pipitpojanakarn, Paravee Maneejuk, WoraphonYamaka and Songsak Sriboonchitta

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 231-244

Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: An Information Content Analysis Approach for Companies in Indonesia

Author :- David HM Hasibuan and Dyah Purwanti

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 245-261

Economic Growth and Business Cycle: The Case of Thailand

Author :- Paravee Maneejuk, Pathairat Pastpipatkul and Songsak Sriboonchitta

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 263-274

Has the Accumulation of Foreign Reserves Protect the Thai Economy from Financial Crisis? : An Approach of Empirical Likelihood

Author :- Woraphon Yamaka , Pathairat Pastpipatkul and Songsak Sriboonchitta

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 275-285

Model of Consumer Behavior Intention

Author :- Deden Komar Priatna, Nandan Limakrisna and Winna Roswinna

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 287-294

The Effect of Learning Facilities. Curriculum Design, and Certification on Student Satisfaction Through Mediating Role of Service Quality (Case Study at STEIN Tourism College)

Author :- Parlagutan Silitonga

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 295-312

Demand for Thai Tourism by Major Countries: Determinants and Stochastic Simulation

Author :- Bundit Chaivichayachat

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 313-321

Application of International Accounting Standards (IFRS) Globally: A Critique

Author :- Raj S. Dhankar, Barnali Chaklader and Amit Gupta

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 323-348

Effect of the Board of Directors on Firm Performance

Author :- Jorge Isaac Moreno Gómez, Diógenes Lagos Cortés and Gonzalo Gómez Betancourt

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 349-361

A Model of Managerial Decision Making in a Republic of Indonesia Ministry: What Should We Do?

Author :- Jaka Isgiyarta, Heni Nugraha and Dyah N. A. Janie

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 363-370

An Evaluation of the Expiration of EU’s GSP in Food Industry in Thailand: Cointegration, Bridge Matrix and Input-Output Analysis

Author :- Bundit Chaivichayachat

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 371-375

Regional Variations of the Impact of Role Models and Fear of Failure on Entrepreneurship Amongst the Youth

Author :- Eduardo Gómez-Araujo, Manoj Chandra Bayon and Jorge Moreno-Gómez

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 6 (2017)

Pages :- 377-389