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Journal of Multifunctional Materials and Photoscience

  • Price :- Click Here
  • Stock :- In stock
  • ISSN :- 2229-743X
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual

The Journal of Multifunctional Materials & Photoscience (Formerly Journal of Photocatalaysis Science) is a peer-reviewed journal. Journal of Multifunctional Materials & Photoscience published 2 issues each year (firstly), contains reports of original research on all aspects of photocatalysis and photo-based scientific materials. All manuscripts submitted are considered for publication, with the understanding that they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

1. Research fields

(1) Photocatalysts ; preparation and basical principle

(2) Photo induced solar cell and fuel cell

(3) Photo sensors

(4) Photo sensitive metal oxides

(5) Carbon based photocatalysts

(6) Nanostructural materials

(7) Environmental friendly materials

(8) Materials related to biology, medical and human health

(9) others

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