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International Journal Unconventional Electromagnetics and Plasmas

  • Price :- Click Here
  • Stock :- In stock
  • ISSN :- 0974-5831
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual

While the basic idea is mainly concerned with ‘Unconventional Electromagnetics and Plasmas’, the areas contain theoretical and experimental studies of a variety of inTerdiscip1inary fieLyds such as ‘Extended /Unconventionl Electromagnetics (non-re- lativistic, relativistic, and quantum) with space charges in a vacuum and in contin- uous media’, ‘Gravito-Electrodynamics’, ‘Electrohydrodynamcs (EHD) / Electromagnet- ohydrodynamcs (EMHD)’ in dusty and dirty plasmas (collisionless and collisional), in neutral, partially- and fully-ionized gases, and aerosols with novel physical con- cepts of electric reconnection and critical ionization velocities, accordingly new as- pects of discharge and ionization physics, and their applications to geo-, astro-, fu- sion, and laboratory physics. In particular, significance of electric quadrupoles in EHD/EMHD as a source-origin of helicity or vortex generation should be empha- sized. Some of those have already been applied to a variety of new phenomena in space and in the laboratory, for instance, dust-related and meteorologico-electric phenomena such as planetary (Saturn’s and Jupiter’s) dust layer or ring formation, dust solar ring, terrestrial dust layer formation, terrestrial lightning, planetary (Saturn’s, Jupiter’s, and Jo’s) lightning, tornadic thunderstorms, whirlwinds, ball lightning, cloud-to-ionosphere discharges, pre-earthquake effects, gravity waves, cosmic black-body radiation in plasma universe, and electrobiology. Among the highlights of these activities, for instance, theory has been applied to laboratory new devices such as a universal electric-cusp type plasma reactor, electric undu- lators with free electron lasers, electric treatment for cancers and other diseases, and activation of biological matter (plants, animals, and human body), and a new travelling wave antenna with a semi-conducting and/or lossy dielectric base-plate utilizing a fast-wave mode for applications of unconventional electromagnetics. Those are just examples of directions towards a new Journal, ‘Unconventional Electromagnetics and Plasmas’. ‘Jong this line, topics should include ‘lithospheric’, ‘atmospheric’, ‘magnetospheric’, ‘solar’, ‘planetary’, ‘interplanetary’, ‘stellar’, and ‘interstellar’ environments, ‘nebular lightning’, ‘electrobiology’, ‘geo- and astro- biology’. Methods of description of those new phenomena may be ‘particle’, ‘fluid- dynamic’, namely ‘hydrodynamic (HD)’, ‘magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)’, ‘elec- trohydrodynamic (EHD)’ or ‘electromagnetohydrodynamic (EMHD)’, and ‘kinetic theory’.

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