Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
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International Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Rough Systems

  • Price :- Click Here
  • Stock :- In stock
  • ISSN :- 0974-858X
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual

The International Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Rough Systems is a  peer-reviewed journal. The International Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Rough Systems (IJFSRS) will be a biannual journal that will aim to publish fine research in specialized areas embracing various aspects of fuzzy and rough systems and their applications. The journal will provide insightful interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting computer science, scientists and the wider public. The journal’s mission is to serve computer scientist through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of computer science, and to provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning computer science and engineering.  The journal is designed to inform readers on the state of art in a number of specialized fields related to fuzzy and rough systems.  It will publish papers on research in areas such as (but certainly not limited to):  a) theory, design and applications of fuzzy systems; b) theory design and applications of rough systems; c) soft computing systems; d) grey systems; e) extension theory systems ranging from hardware to software; f) empirical or mathematical foundations of fuzzy and rough systems; g) case studies and experimental and theoretical evaluations;  h) applied research demonstrating usefulness of  fuzzy/rough methodologies in practical problems.

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