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International Journal of Information Retrieval

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  • ISSN :- 0974-6285
  • Frequency :- Sermi-annual

The International Journal of Information Retrieval  is a peer-reviewed journal. International Journal of Information Retrieval (IJIR) aims to publish and disseminate knowledge on information retrieval including theoretical, experimental and applied research. Theoretical research reports a significant conceptual advance in the design of algorithms or other processes for some information retrieval task. Experimental research details a test of one or more theoretical ideas in a laboratory or natural setting. Application research cover successful application of some already established technique to a significant real world problem involving information retrieval. Information retrieval overlaps with a variety of technical and behavioral fields. As a result, the journal includes papers which unify concepts across several traditional disciplinary boundaries, with specific application to problems of information retrieval. The journal is targeted at both academic researchers and practicing IT professionals. This journal serves as an international forum for theory and experiment in information retrieval and its application in the networked information environment.

The journal focuses on articles on advances in applications of Information Retrieval, Data models, Data structures, Design, Vector Space, Probabilistic Bayesian Logical Methods, Pattern Recognition, Signal Detection, Machine Learning, Natural Language, Semantic Structures, Classification, Evaluation, Indexing, Interaction, Retrieval, Routing, Filtering, Summarization, Synthesis, Hypermedia, Static Images, Scientific Datasets, Multimedia, Multi-lingual,  Distributed Systems, Data warehousing process, Online analytical process, Tools and languages, Data mart, Data Mining, Data mining methods, Algorithms, Mining databases, Knowledge discovery process, Tools and languages, intelligent techniques used for business modeling, including all areas of data visualisation, Business Intelligence, Biomedical literature data mining, Biological data curation, Web technology, mining and agents, Intelligent Techniques, Fuzzy, neural, and evolutionary approaches, Genetic algorithms, Expert systems, Hybrid systems, bootstrap and randomization, Exploratory and automated data analysis, Knowledge-based analysis, Statistical pattern recognition, Classification, projection, regression, optimization clustering, High performance bio-computing, Information extraction and retrieval, Multivariate data visualisation data pre-processing, data engineering, data mining techniques, tools and applications, neurocomputing, evolutionary computing, fuzzy techniques, characteristics of web collections, context-dependent search, clustering, efficiency, enterprise webs, evaluation, indexing, information extraction, link and topology analysis and developments in these fields have direct implications on key issues related to information retrieval.

International Journal of Information Retrieval (IJIR) is an essential journal for all academic and industrial researchers who want expert knowledge on all major advances in information retrieval.

The journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in the field. The emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly and openly available to researchers worldwide. All published articles will be deposited immediately upon publication in at least one widely and internationally recognized open access repository. Moreover, it is providing the maximum exposure to the articles.

The journal will be essential reading for scientists and researchers who wish to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field. The publishers are confident of the journal’s rapid success.

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