Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd.
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Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Showing 37 to 44 of 44 (4 Pages)

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Journal of Crystallization Physics and Chemistry

The Journal of Crystallization Physics and Chemistry (J. Cryst. Phys. Chem., JCPC) is a multidiscipl..

Journal of Mechanics and MEMS

The Journal of Mechanics and MEMS is a peer-reviewed journal. The Journal of Mechanics and MEMS (..

Journal of Metallurgical Engineering

Journal of Metallurgical Engineering (JME) is a journal for the rapid publication of experimental an..

Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technology

The Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technology is a peer-reviewed journal. The Journal of Modern Man..

Journal of Multifunctional Materials and Photoscience

The Journal of Multifunctional Materials & Photoscience (Formerly Journal of Photocatalaysis Sci..

Journal of Nanocomposites and Nanoceramics

The Journal of Nanocomposites and Nanoceramics is a peer-reviewed journal. Aims and Scope: The scope..

Journal of Tribology Research

The Journal of Tribology Research is a peer-reviewed journal. The word tribology derives from the Gr..

Materials Processing Science and Technology – An International Journal

The Materials Processing Science and Technolgy-An International Journal is a peer-reviewed journal. ..

Showing 37 to 44 of 44 (4 Pages)