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International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research

International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research

  • ISSN :- 0972-7302
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual


The Comparisons on Incubation between Social and Business Enterprise: Same, Different or Both?

Author :- Su-Chuan Liu, Chia-Jung Chang, Hwa-Nan Chang, Yu-Hsin Liu

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 13-25

The Analysis of European Union’s Vegetable Oil Consumption: “Will The European Parliament Resolution Halt the Consumption of Crude Palm Oil in the European Union in the Future?”

Author :- Jan Horas V Purba

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 27-39

The Global Internal Audit Competency Framework: The Perception of Internal Audit Staff in Thai Local Administration

Author :- Arus Kongrungchok and Supoj Poonnoi

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 41-58

Risk Management in Czech Manufacturing Company: Case Study

Author :- Katerina Bocková, Gabriela Gabrhelová and Radka Vanícková

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 59-73

The Influence of the Authentic Leadership, School Culture, Information and Communication Technology Acceptance on the School Management Effectiveness in the Public Accredited Vocational High School in West Java

Author :- Daryanto, Sumarto, Aan Komariah and Dedy Achmad Kurniady

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 75-84

Insight Analysis of Foreign Labor Coming to Thailand: Implications for Human Resource Management

Author :- Phaninee Naruetharadhol

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 85-121

Internal Control Systems by the Internal Control Unit in Improving Officers Compliance

Author :- Bambang Pamungkas and Yunus Prasetyo

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 123-136

An Analysis of Diversification Practice of Domestic Individual Investors in the Indonesia Stock Exchange

Author :- Budi Frensidy, Sidharta Utama and Ruslan Prijadi

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 137-148

The Importance of Comprehensive Trusts Law in Indonesia

Author :- Gunawan Widjaja

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 149-155

The Impact of Economic Conditions on Bank Profitability of Regional Development Bank in Indonesia

Author :- Rizky Yudaruddin

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 1-12

Oil Export and its Impact on the Growth of Non-oil Sectors in Oman “is there any Spread Effects!?”

Author :- Abdusalam F Yahia

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 157-168

Empirical Study of Quality Healthcare Services: Public and Private Healthcare in the United Arab Emirates

Author :- Mohamad Murad Al Bolushi, Olorogun, L.A., Inoussa Boubacar & Roudaina Houjeir

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 169-180

Individual Characters for Sustainability Reporting

Author :- Boby Wiryawan Saputra, Hamfri Djajadikerta and Majidah

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 181-193

A Structural Model of Foreign Tourists Loyalty in Nature-based Tourism in Bali

Author :- I Gusti Ayu Oka Suryawardani, Agung Suryawan Wiranatha, I Komang Gde Bendesa, Made Antara and Maria Gravari-Barbas

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 195-214

Dimensions of the University Lecturers Behaviour in Using Nonoriginal Software

Author :- Agus Hermawan, Budi Eko Soetjipto, Sunaryanto, Danardana Murwani and Suharto

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 215-233

The Relationship Between HouseRent, Income Inequality and Households Consumption

Author :- Dwi Wulandari, Thomas Soseco, Mit Witjaksono,Bagus Shandy Narmaditya, Sugeng Hadi Utomo, Wahjoedi, Nur Anita Yunikawati, Emma Yunika Puspasari & Magistyo P. Priambodo

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 235-242

Experiential Learning: An Alternative Model of Entrepreneurship Learning in Higher Education

Author :- Sudarmiatin, Budi Eko Soetjipto, Puji Handayati, Suharto and Rahmad Hidayat

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 243-252

Dismantling Social Romanticism for Corporate Social Responsibility

Author :- Puji Handayati, Sulis Rochayatun, Budi Eko Soetjipto, Sudarmiatin, Suharto and Imam Bukhori

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 253-263

The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education, Parents’ role, and Self Efficacy on Students’ Entrepreneurship Intention Mediated By Entrepreneurship Attitudes

Author :- Djoko Dwi Kusumojanto, Budi Eko Soetjipto, F. Danardana Murwani and Sunaryanto

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 265-277

Rural Tourism Management: Gap Between Expected and Reality

Author :- Sudarmiatin, Puji Handayati, Budi Eko Soetjipto, Rahmad Hidayat and Imam Bukhori

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 279-289

Recognition of Margin Murabahah in Islamic Perspective: Analysis of Risks, Soundness of Bank and Maslahah

Author :- Muhamad Nadratuzzaman Hosen, Fithrah Kamaliyah, Fitriyani Lathifah

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 291-304

Relationships Between Mother and Son and Its Effect on Effort of Passing the Baton

Author :- Anita Maharani

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 305-314

Financial Literacy and Playing Intention of Financial Literacy Digital Game

Author :- Umi Widyastuti and Usep Suhud

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 315-326

Good Public Governance, Corruption and Public Service Quality: Indonesia Evidence

Author :- Dyah Setyaningrum, Ratna Wardhani and Akhmad Syakhroza

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 327-338

Productivity Convergence at the Firm Level: Importance of Technology Diffusion

Author :- Nguyen Khac Minh and Phung Mai Lan

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 339-352

Company Size, Profitability, and Auditor Opinion Influence to Audit Report Lag on Registered Manufacturing Company in Indonesia Stock Exchange

Author :- Arifuddin, Kartini Hanafi and Asri Usman

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 353-367

Micro Small-Medium Enterprise Development Strategy in the Special Regions YogyakartaQ

Author :- Hety Mustika Ani, Titin Kartini, Joko Widodo and Pudjo Suharso

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 369-381

Building Professionalism of Indonesia Teacher: Lesson Study from Japan

Author :- Retna Ngesti Sedyati, Sri Kantun, Pudjo Suharso and Sri Wahyuni

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 383-393

Prospect and Opportunityof Industry and Trade Investment in Economic Development in Regencies of Tunggalrogo Mandiri Cooperation

Author :- Soetriono, Pudjo Suharso, SRDm. R. Hanafie, Sofia

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 395-408

The Improvement of Employee Performance in the Prevention of Dhf in Jember District, East Java, Indonesia

Author :- A.T. Hendrawijaya, T.A. Gumanti, Sasongko, Z. Puspitaningtyas and Pudjo Suharso

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 409-422

Crafting Interfirm Supply Chain Management: The Communication Role of Information System

Author :- Po Shun Chen, Dun Ji Chen, Chia-Jung Chang and Jung Hsuan Wang

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 423-434

Overpricing of Newly Issued Bonds : Korean Evidence

Author :- Kyongsun Heo, Kyojik Song and Jeewoong Yoon

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 435-445

Poverty Reduction Around the Coffee Citizens: Social Capital Optimization and Participative Planning of Creative Economic Empowerment in Jember Regency

Author :- Sukidin, Pudjo Suharso, Wiwin Hananto, Zuliyanto

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 447-455

Factors that Stimulate Farmers to Convert their Farmland

Author :- Yogi Makbul, Sudrajati Ratnaningtyas, Pradono, Vyana Lohjiwa, Asad Farag, and Darsono

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 457-462

A Conceptual Model of E-Commerce Implementation in Small Business Industry: Case Study of Muslim Fashion in Indonesia

Author :- Sri Herliana, Qorri Aina, Acip Sutardi and Grisna Anggadwita

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 463-473

Student Satisfaction, University Brand Image and Its Impact on Word of Mouth Communication

Author :- Suwandi Sumartias and Imam Nuraryo

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 475-483

The Role of HR Practices on Perceived Employee Performance: Evidence from Indian Service Organizations

Author :- Rohan Singh, Madhumita Mohanty and Ayasa Kanta Mohanty

Volume :- No.15 (2017)

Issue No :- 19 (2017)

Pages :- 485-504