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International Journal of Economic Research

International Journal of Economic Research

  • ISSN :- 0972-9380
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual


Do Cross Border Integrated Acquisition Really Create Value in Emerging Market?

Author :- Suwinto Johan

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 1-12

A Primer on GDP and Economic Growth

Author :- Truong Hong Trinh

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 13-24

An Analysis of the Influence of Both Interest Rate and Capital Structure on Rate of Return and its Implication to Firm Value

Author :- Andre Suryaningprang and Jaja Suteja

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 25-39

The Effect of Activators on Non-banking Financial Service Receiving Behavior in Developing Countries: An Application of Artificial Neural Network

Author :- Md. Abu Rashel, Faruk Ahmed, A K M Ahasanul Haque and Seonsu Lee

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 41-56

The Impact of Internal Audit Function in Enhancing the Financial Reporting Quality

Author :- Sylvia Fettry

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 57-69

The Effectiveness of Customer Complaint Resolution Facilitation Program By Financial Service Authority

Author :- Pujiyono, Jamal Wiwoho and Kartika Laksmitasari

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 71-86

The Social Capital and Welfare of “Mobile” Tailors in Semarang

Author :- Eko Handoyo

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 87-96

Antecedent and Consequences of Job Performance

Author :- Lijan Poltak Sinambela, Ikbal and Sarton Sinambela

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 97-109

Reinforcement of Cooperative Regulation in Dealing with Global Business Penetration

Author :- Karmila Sari Sukarno, Jamal Wiwoho, Pujiono and Sunny Ummul Firdaus

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 111-123

The Competitive Strategy for a Shari’a Business Unit (SBU): Pension Fund Management from PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia

Author :- Waseso Segoro and Rinaldi Rizal

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 125-132

Financial Liberalization Process of Vietnam

Author :- Tran Thi Van Anh, Le Huyen Anh, Lai Thanh Loan Hoang Ha Phuong Thao

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 133-144

Analysis on the Influence of iPhone’s Brand Equity towards Customers’ Purchasing Decision

Author :- Waseso Segoro and Winda Putri Arnanda

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 145-150

Economic Efficiency and Cost Reduction through the Use of Non-organic Feed on the Farming of Transgenic Mutiara Catifish (Clarias sp.) F1 Hybrid

Author :- Rita Rostika, Ibnu Dwi Buwono, Atikah Nurhayati, Lantun Paradhita Dewanti, Iman Badruzaman

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 151-157

Study on the use of Probiotic Products in Indian Shrimp Aquaculture

Author :- Mahidhar Bolem, Shaik Baji Shaheed, A. Udaya Shankar and Gadadhar Dash

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 159-172

The Use of Financial Account & Balance Sheet in Measuring Financial System Vulnerabilities

Author :- Rieska Indah Astuti, Rini Oktapiani and Arlyana Abubakar

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 173-189

The Mediating Role of Accountability in the Influence of Cooperative Characteristics on its Financial Performance

Author :- Muhammad Khafid and Diah Nurlaili

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 191-200

The Local Customary Institutions Based on Indigenous Dalihan Tolu Promoting Tree Planting in South Tapanuli, North Sumatra

Author :- Tri Martial and Mhd. Asaad

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 201-208

A Model Development of Green Supplier Selection in Small Medium Enterprise: Woodcraft Industries Case Application

Author :- Sri Indrawati and Yuristia Habibah

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 209-218

Extensible Business Report Language (XBRL) Implementation of Financial Reporting Standard in Indonesian Banking Industry

Author :- Teddy Oswari and Andika Januarianto

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 219-225

“The Scope and impact of Digital Marketing Trends in Todays Business Market”

Author :- Mohamed Haneefuddin

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 227-234

The Urgency of the Codification of Islamic Law on Contracts in Indonesian Banking Business to Anticipate the Development of Islamic Economy and Globalization Era

Author :- Gemala Devi

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 235-251

Methodology to Assess Sustainable Indicators for a Socially Responsible Company in the Polymers Manufacturing Sector

Author :- Benjamín García and Margarita Ferat

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 253-274

The Role of Workplace Spirituality as Moderator the Effect of Soft Total Quality Management on Organization Effectiveness

Author :- Achmad Sani, Budi Eko Soetjipto, Vivin Maharani Ekowati, Suharto, Moh. Arief., Wening Patmi Rahayu and Djoko Dwi Kusumojanto

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 275-284

The Effect of Attitude Toward Advertising in the Relationship between Value-expressive Function and Purchase Intention Toward Kopitiam (Coffee Shop)

Author :- Shaizatulaqma Kamalul Ariffin

Volume :- No.14 (2017)

Issue No :- 5 (2017)

Pages :- 285-297