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International Review of Modern Sociology

International Review of Modern Sociology

  • ISSN :- 0973-2047
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual


Gender Wage Gap and its Associated Factors

Author :- Danice Lynn Langdon & Roger Klomegah

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 2 (2013)

Pages :- 173

Gender Differences in the Influence of Television on Gender Ideology? TV Hours and Attitudes toward Employed Mothers 1988-2008

Author :- Jacqueline Coombe & Shannon N. Davis

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 2 (2013)

Pages :- 205

Cultural Capital and higher Education in Bangladesh

Author :- Lutfun Nahar Lata

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 2 (2013)

Pages :- 225

Toward an Interpretive Approach to Social Movement Leadership

Author :- Michael DeCesare

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 2 (2013)

Pages :- 239

Coalitions and Conflict in Mexico City: The Case of Sección Mexicana

Author :- José A. Muñoz

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 2 (2013)

Pages :- 259

The Pathology of Religious Institutions

Author :- M. D. Litonjua

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 2 (2013)

Pages :- 283

Book Review : : American Religion: Contemporary Trends

Author :- Reviewed by Nancy Schaefer

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 2 (2013)

Pages :- 325