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International Review of Modern Sociology

International Review of Modern Sociology

  • ISSN :- 0973-2047
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual


‘Geopolitics of Knowledge’: Constructing an Indigenous Sociology from the South

Author :- SeifDa’Na and Laura Khoury

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 1 (2013)

Pages :- 1

The “Arab Spring” and Its Theoretical Significance: Samuel Huntington’s “The Clash of Civilizations” Revisited

Author :- Mahmoud “Max” Kashefi

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 1 (2013)

Pages :- 29

State vs. Market: What Kind of Capitalism?

Author :- M. D. Litonjua

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 1 (2013)

Pages :- 53

A Generational Model of Youth’s Engagement in Politics

Author :- Roksolana Suchowerska

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 1 (2013)

Pages :- 89

Women and Girls Last?: Female Visibility in Children’s Picture Books by White, Black, Latino and Gay-Sympathetic Authors

Author :- Roger Clark, Julie Kessler and Allyssa Coon

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 1 (2013)

Pages :- 111

Investigating Stress Symptomatology Among Cambodian University Students

Author :- LeakhenaNou

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 1 (2013)

Pages :- 133

Book Reviews : : Broke: How Debt Bankrupts the Middle Class

Author :- Reviewed by Michael D. Gillespie

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 1 (2013)

Pages :- 165

Illicit Flirtations: Labor, Migration, and Sex Trafficking in Tokyo

Author :- Reviewed by Christina Firpo

Volume :- No.39 (2013)

Issue No :- 1 (2013)

Pages :- 168