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International Review of Modern Sociology

International Review of Modern Sociology

  • ISSN :- 0973-2047
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual


The Pathways to and Politics of Mass Incarceration by Gender

Author :- Sertis Camacho and Roger Clark

Volume :- No.43 (2017)

Issue No :- 2 (2017)

Pages :- 179-192

The Nature, Extent and Sources of Wealth and Income Inequality in the United States

Author :- Berch Berberoglu

Volume :- No.43 (2017)

Issue No :- 2 (2017)

Pages :- 193-216

Book Reviews : : Prison World: An Ethnography of the Carceral Condition

Author :- Reviewed by Patricia Turning

Volume :- No.43 (2017)

Issue No :- 2 (2017)

Pages :- 217


Author :- Reviewed by Betsy Lucal

Volume :- No.43 (2017)

Issue No :- 2 (2017)

Pages :- 218

The Disrupted Workplace: Time and the Moral Order of Flexible Capitalism

Author :- Reviewed by Carolyn Ly-Donovan

Volume :- No.43 (2017)

Issue No :- 2 (2017)

Pages :- 221

War and Society

Author :- Reviewed by Cameron Lippard

Volume :- No.43 (2017)

Issue No :- 2 (2017)

Pages :- 226