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International Journal of Environment and Development

  • Price :- Click Here
  • Stock :- In stock
  • ISSN :- 0973-3574
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual

The International Journal of Environment and Development  is a peer-reviewed and refereed journal. IJED aims to publish papers on the environment problems associated with the process of economic development. It encourages submission of papers, both theoretical and empirical, on the scientific and environmental policy issues. The papers on wide range of topics including the following aspects are welcomed:

 1. Economic policies and environmental impact,
 2. Environmental regulation and development,
 3. Institutional change and environmental effects, and
 4. Interrelationship between economic development and environmental processes.
Journal contains book review section for wider dissemination of literature's to researchers and policy makers.

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  • UGC SERIAL NO. :- 2990
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