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International Journal of Synthesis and Characterization

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  • Stock :- In stock
  • ISSN :- 0974-3561
  • Frequency :- Semi-annual

International Journal of Synthesis and Characterization (IJSC) welcomes original contributions of scientific research in all branches of the synthesis of organic, polymer and inorganic chemistry. In additon, the characterization of organic, polymer, bioorganic and inorganic compounds is also in scope of IJSC.

International Journal of Synthesis and Characterization is published by Research Science Press. The Journal is devoted to the chemists from various areas of research including organic and inorganic chemistry, organometallics, organoheteroatom, medicinal and biological chemistry, photochemistry, polymers and others. International Journal of Synthesis and Characterization publishes the synthesis and characterization of both organic and inorganic compounds. This Journal (IJSC) covers synthesis of new compounds, new methods for preparation of known compounds, new experimental techniques and procedures, characterization of chemical compounds in all branches of science.

The journal is of interest to researchers at both scientific and research institutes, as well as the academic and research staff of universities.

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